Q: i hope this year is as good as last time...those Chinese know how to throw an artistic opening night!
me: they sure do!!
Q: I don't know about those Canadians...I hope they do something more than just parade around Mounties
me: ME TOO!!
Q: unless they are hot mounties
me: not likely
have you SEEN the Canadian?!
Q: who is "the Canadian"?
me: the Canadian people
not known for attractiveness
not like us...
Q: you're right. keanu reeves is canadian
nothing much there
me: yep
told ya
Q: trivia fact #2: so is jim carrey
me: and Neil Young
Q: and bryan adams
me: and Alanis Morrisette
Q: and avril lavine
me: and Shania Twain
Q: what do they do up there? just sing?
me: I guess so!!